小视频 | 纪念“心流之父”,五分钟动画看懂「心流」



2021年10月20日,积极心理学奠基人,被称为“心流之父”的创造力大师、匈牙利籍心理学家米哈里·契克森米哈赖(Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 1934-2021)去世,享年87岁。






So I've been invited to talk about flow. 1st I want to describe to you what flow is essentially flow is a psychological state of mind where your ego completely disappears and you enter a highly productive workflow.Time seems to pass really quick and you get this amazing feeling that you're accomplishing so much some.

People report working 12 to 15h a day and some even say they forget to eat or go to the bathroom. Anyway,there are some giant positive effects of entering flow to being increased happiness and increased productivity.

So I'm here to teach you how to inter flow on your own. Another great benefit of entering flow is a satisfaction reported among those studied they seem to have a clear feeling of their purpose being fulfilled. Basically this is one of the highest versions of intrinsic rewards.

While usually producing extrinsic rewards also the author of the book Mihaly csikszentmihalyi at interviewed a bunch of professionals who had this related feeling to try to find out what caused it. And see if it could be replicated from athletes to musicians to engineers. They kept saying things like,I just feel like I get a sense of absolute awareness and work seems so fun and super easy. After some analysis he found out some basic criteria that must be met to reach optimal experience in any task.

Secondly I want to say that flow to me at least isn't this on or off binary switch. It's more of a dimmer switch. When you get all the variables just right,it feels amazing. Now let's move on to the variables needed to inter flow.

The 1st is that any task you do must have a sense of initial quick feedback. For this reason programming is a great field where many professionals experience flow. A quick change in the source code and suddenly the whole thing is working, not usually but you get the idea quick feedback. The 2nd is that the task must have long term feedback. Something like seeing that fully functioning web page or new video game launched at market is the long term feedback and also is basically a goal for the individual.

The author of flow notice that all of the studied individuals had a goal to work for. Something that gave them a purpose further work. See flow is pretty amazing because it helps us in our sense of purpose or rather gives our mind the tools and proper mindset to get closer to fulfilling our purposes. Progress is also in this criteria. You must be able to measure your progress over time to understand that you're actually improving which will fuel your work ethic even more so.

The first and 2nd requirements are short and long term feedback and the third criteria for entering flow is that the challenge a task offers must be slightly out of reach for the individual. In other words,it has to be easy enough to not be seen as a super difficult challenge. But it also has to be difficult enough,so that it's not completely boring. This is where programmers get hooked for me.

I remember spending hours literally days working on this game website the idea was that all of the game websites in my high school were blocked. So I was going to code a version that didn't get blocked. It included lots of java script php. And eventually I got it to work,but the whole time I was in the flow state of mind it was amazing.

I knew I could eventually figure it out.And I wasn't going to give up until it worked, because every hour or so I'd make a new breakthrough.Learn something new and put it to use and it had all three of these previous requirements.

I could see improvement each day.I had short and long term feedback on the website, and it was challenging enough that it wasn't boring ,but it wasn't enough to scare me from trying. But here's when flow wore off though, eventually I got it to work. Some of my friends used it, and then there was no more improvement. It worked where could I go from there. The goal had been achieved so the flow wore off.

Now I'm achieving flow making videos about psychology and different book reviews on my channel,and making a pretty good living from it. Actually I highly advise you to reverse engineer your work, and be more self aware about your experiences, and aim them to be more productive with this amazing mind tool.

Another thing that will increase your changes of flow is to reduce distraction. Respectively once you achieve a high state of flow,all distractions will seem to disappear,including the urge to release your bladder or fill your stomach which strangely demolishes maslow's hierarchy of needs,which says that each need must be met for a higher need to be a motivating factor. But that's a talk for another video.

A personality trait of curiosity will also increase your overall chance of entering flow, as well as high levels of grit and persistence and low levels of selfishness.

Don't let these bottleneck you though. As these are just theories and there's still a ton. We don't know about the human brain. The implications of this psychological awesomeness rang from cubicle work to create a design to military use,including gaming and marksmanship. And apparently according to Wikipedia spirituality.

Now that you have an idea of how to get to flow. You should know that not every activity or task can be flow producing. For example, you cannot achieve continual approve on something like flipping a coin. What you can do though is get creative about it,make it more challenging. Flip a coin upside down, go and flip a coin underwater,flip the world's largest coin. These are obviously strange examples,but they symbolize what you should do when something.

Your love starts to get a bit boring and you're itching for that new love again. There's some more topics in the book like where your attention goes and other interesting things. But I think those would require a separate video. Anyways I want to thank Brandon for letting me have this opportunity of a collaboration


















2021年10月20日,积极心理学的奠基人,匈牙利籍心理学家米哈里·契克森米哈赖(Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 1934-2021)去世,享年87岁。 米哈里于1934年出生在当时的南斯拉夫,今天的克罗地亚。1965年,获得芝加哥大学博士学位。1990年,出版作品《心流:最优体验心理学》,随后被翻译成30余种文字。2000年,和塞利格曼联手发表《积极心理学导论》,是积极心理学创始人之一。 米哈里是“心流”理论的提出者,对积极心理学的发展产生了重大影响。



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