

- 为什么学习教练技术就要学习提问?
- 什么样的提问算是强有力的问题?
- 提问在工作中或生活中,有何意义?
- 应该如何学习提问这个技能?





















Being a great coach comes down to the questions that you ask. Managers tell people what to do coaches they guide with questions, but not all questions are created equal.

Let's first start off with bad questions. There's some bad questions that we accidentally can ask as coaches. The most common one that we hear is does that make sense? Whenever you ask that question, what is the answer that you get? 99% of the time yes yes, that makes sense, because a no implies two things either.

The person asking the question wasn't very clear, but I don't want to make them feel bad or worse I don't really understand what's going on, but I don't want to announce it to them or my team. So I'll just assume that I'll figure it out later with context I'll say yes, so I get a lot of false positive. Therefore that question is not a very effective question. So instead what we should do is ask how you would apply this to a scenario show them, that you're interested in getting them to actually take action on. What you discussed instead of just saying do you understand what I've said.

The 2nd mistake that we can have is trying to just basically ask a question, that's another way of giving advice, and telling them what to do. So you could say something like do you think that it would be better next time to come prepared to this meeting with running a report. Or won't it be better next time to write down your questions before jumping on a discovery call.

Now of course it's a leading question and you're just basically telling them what you want them to do. So both of these questions end up being ineffective. As a coach instead we need to structure our questions that get them to think in the right direction. So here's how to ask great questions, whenever you're setting up a coaching session, you want your team to be influenced to think different, that is part of what your job is to change brain patterns.

So how you start off this conversation can't be self serving, like I wanted to talk to you about this, or I have feedback that I want to deliver to you. It's not about you. It's about changing their behavior changing their mind, getting them to think about something different. So one of the most powerful ways to start off your coaching sessions is ask, what's on your mind?

This type of question is very open ended, but it's closed enough context where you can just get going on,what are they getting distracted on or what are they thinking about. Maybe it's personal issues or business issues, but either way it's good to understand what is going on in their world, what is the context that will be having this conversation.

Then we go into the second type of question, and this is a pretty common question that has to do with challenges, why challenges are you facing. Now most people when confronted with challenges will blame outsiders, so I also want you to consider following up that question with what challenges are there for you, or what is the real challenge there for you. And it gets people to be a little bit more self reflective think internally about what is going on what they should improve on.

Another great question to follow up with this, so you do less talking and get them to think a little bit differently is simply ask, what else it gets people to go on a pattern start thinking about things in a little bit different direction, and it's a different question. Then is there anything else, which is a close ended question because they could say yes no to that, but what else is open ended.

It gets people to think about other things and almost imply that there should be other things. I also now want to go back to a common bad question to ask and this one, you have to be sensitive to. It's one of those questions that I don't want you to never ask. I just want you to be conscious of when you ask it, and that question is any question that starts off with why, especially when you're trying to be constructive with your feedback.

A why question causes people to be defensive, why didn't you show up to that meeting without over port, why didn't you prepare your questions before this last one. The answers you get to that cause people to be defensive. So instead if you start off with what or how, it tends to feel a little bit more like you're on the same side of the table as them.

There's other questions that you should evoke as you go through, and I want you to experiment with the type of answers that you want to get. But at the end of your coaching session a really powerful question to make sure that this doesn't feel like a fluffy conversation is to ask a question, that causes them to be self reflective.

If you're having a challenging conversation, sometimes you ask them a question like, what did you learn today and if you didn't get along, that they might come back to you, as like I learned nothing from you today Dan. So that question you realize can have a negative tone to it. So then we think well why don't I just ask the positive, what's a great thing that you learned today, what's a positive thing that you took away from our meeting.

But now you're disregarding them to let them, tell you actually what's going on in their head. But there is a really interesting balance that we can find, I want you to guide them to have a positive ending to whatever conversation that you have. But not force them to only tell you something positive, and so the right balance for this would be something about learning.

What did you learn today now that's a neutral question. I learned something good, or I learned something not so good. But another way to ask that is what was the most useful thing that you learned today. And when you have it worded like this, it causes the person to think well regardless, if I think the quality of this meeting was good or bad, there's probably something useful that I've taken away from it.

And this type of interaction will help you understand how emotionally invested, the person that you're coaching is in getting feedback or taking action. What is the most useful thing that you learned today? Now as a trainer as a coach as a leader this type of question is wonderful to end all of your sessions, because when people look back unto how that meeting went, they remember the peaks in the valleys and they also remember how they felt at the end of it.

So if you create a positive outcome, you're more likely to get action or takeaways that will improve over time, instead of getting people to feel like ah, this session was a waste.


- 通往真相的道路充满了崎岖坎坷,而这些磕磕绊绊,就是问题。批判性思维,就是要把关键的问题“揪”出来,通过解决问题,搬开千金的绊路石,最后看到真相。——尼尔布朗,斯图尔特·基利 《学会提问》

- 我知道做个慎思明辨的人挺好的,会问很多恰到好处的问题也挺不错的,可我就是不知道该问哪些问题,不知道怎么个问法。

- 改变你的提问,就能改变你的结果。这是每一个转变中的评判者最核心的自我管理技术。

-  判断一个人的能力,不是看他如何回答,而是看他如何发问。

- 一次提出一个问题,越简单的问题越能得到详细的回答。

- 如果我们想要有一个好的聊天效果,就要从系统一开始,先塑造一个轻松的氛围,让谈话者愿意开口,然后再循序渐进。

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