朱迪斯·格拉泽是美国作家、学者、企业主管和组织人类学家。她是位于波士顿的高管辅导和管理咨询公司Benchmark Communications, Inc.的创始人和首席执行官,也是The Creating WE Institute的董事长,并为多家知名财富500强公司提供咨询顾问服务。在她职业生涯中所服务过的客户包括伊卡璐、花旗银行、辉瑞制药、Burberry、美国航空公司和Verizon。
Marshall Goldsmith:
You know you're an expert in conversational intelligence. One thing you brought up that I just love is the concept of asking questions.
When you don't have the answers yet and that sounds at one level obvious isn't that what we always do. But as I've talked to you about that or else no that's not what we always do in fact. Sometimes we seldom do that. Can you kind of elaborate that? And give our viewers some ideas.
Judith Glaser:
Yeah so it turns out years ago 20 years ago I was in the UK working with an executive. And I was keeping track of the questions that he asked. That were leading questions. And the questions that he asked that had where he had no answers. There was zero on had no answers.
Marshall Goldsmith:
They were all leading questions.
Judith Glaser:
And when I explained it to him, he had no idea that what he was doing. He really thought that he was helping someone by giving them you know the answers and so forth.
So I made that a study and I'm still doing it. Because 99% of the people really have difficulty asking questions where they don't have answers. Because then they get kind of anxiety like I should have known it. They go into their head. People would have expected me to say that and know it. And now I don't and I might look stupid. So that's the tape that they play in their mind.
But when we ask questions for which we don't have answers what it does to another human being. Is it actually opens up a conversation with them enables them to think in new ways. Because you're not asking. You're setting up a question without an obvious answer. You don't know. You're not pushing them into it right. And the conversation that ensues is what I call a level three conversation.
It goes deeper. Both people start to connect on discovery. So it takes them into what I call sharon discover mode, which actually changes their chemistry so they bond in better ways and they look forward. And that open space of I don't have the answer changes to oh my god what are we going to learn together.
他会更加深入。两个人开始在发现上建立联系。所以它使他们进入了我称之为 "沙龙发现模式",这实际上改变了他们的化学反应,因此他们以更好的方式结合在一起,他们向前看。那种我没有答案的开放空间变成了“我的上帝,我们要一起学习什么”。
Marshall Goldsmith:
You know this is a fantastic example. The greatest example I can think of in my own coaching experiences my good friend Alan milady who is a co forward. When he first went to ford there were under tough times. And Alan rather than providing an answer said I don't have a solution either, I don't have the answer,why don't we work together and ask a lot of other people to help us solve this problem where we don't have the answer?
Now let me give you my definition of brilliant. Brilliant is when somebody does something, it seems obvious in hindsight, but you've never seen it before. This to me what you've just said is brilliant as a leader getting up there and asking a question. When you don't have the answer and if the other person doesn't have the answer making it okay.
Yeah. Say why don't we work together and solve the problem. Alan's feeling wasn't about 10min after they had a dialogue, the problem got solved. Once I get over that egotistical macho I have to know everything nonsense and said we're both human beings, there is a problem. I don't know it you don't know it it's okay. Let's work together and find the answer. That is a fantastic concept thank you you're welcome