视频 | 漫画带你走进“五级领导力”的世界



▲更多内容,请戳 详解「五级领导力」:五个层级、关键词和发展路径▲


Most of us want to become leaders. Whether it's at our jobs or business or family or our social groups, we all like to feel respected and listen to, we like to feel powerful. But what if I tell you leadership is not as most of us imagine. Leadership is more than just a position. It's a process. It's not something that you achieve and you have forever, is something that is always evolving always changing.

Leadership is more than just having people listen to you, but to develop influence and ultimately change, that will benefit everyone. In the book the five levels of leadership we learn the principles of leadership and why leadership is not just all black and white.

John maxwell shows us the different levels of leadership and the different levels of influence that come with them. The first level of leadership the lowest level is what is called the position level. This right is given to you by a position whether it's a job title, or you're the owner of your company. In the first level people follow you because they have to. If you're this ceo of your company people will listen to you and fear of being fired.

The first level of leadership isn't really leadership at all, because in this level you don't have any influence. You just have a higher rank position and the position, doesn't make the leader.

Let me ask you something. Have you ever had a boss that wasn't a very good leader? This is one of the reasons, why in the first level people will give you the least amount of their time and effort. Because they follow you only because they have to.

The 2nd level of leadership is the permission level. Here's where you focus on building relationships. Once you step into the second level of leadership, people don't just follow you because they have to , they follow you because they want to. In this level you focus on getting to know your people, you understand who they are,and you build a good relationship with them here. You're not only their supervisor manager or boss, you are their leader. They actually like you.

Some of the main traits that level two leaders have are, they'd listen well. If you've seen my video on the book how to win friends and influence people. You know why this is so important. No.2 they observe. They are conscious of where they are with people, not everyone responds the same to you and great. Leaders are always aware of who they're talking to and the responses they're getting.

No.3 they always learn. True leaders know that leading is not a noun but a verb. And they constantly improve their skills. No.4 they have an attitude of servitude and they love to serve. The main difference between a boss and a leader is that people serve bosses, leaders serve people. The third level of leadership is called production. This is where you become effective and productive. This is where you get results. Here's what you lead people by example in order to be a level three liter you have to have done.

what you have asking people to do here, people follow you because you get results. If you want your people to be productive, you have to be productive. If you want people to be organized,you have to be organized. In this level you start to develop momentum, and momentum is a leader's best friend. Many of the problems on organization can be solved with momentum.

A great example john maxwell uses for this is to picture a train going sixty miles per hour, this train has momentum, and even if you put a five inch thick, concrete wall in front of it. It'll just go through it no problem, but the same train when it's not moving without any momentum, you can put a two inch block at its wheels and now the train can even get started, because it has no momentum.

One of the highest levels of leadership is level four called the people development. To grow company you will need to grow people. In this level you give your people their tools to equip them to become better at what they do. There are three important things that level four leaders do. No.1 they recruit well, they find people who are willing to grow and become better.

No.2 they position well. They position their people in a place where they can thrive. No.3 they equip them well. They are aware of their people strengths and weaknesses, and they give them the tools and knowledge to be the most effective. As a level for leader you will need to learn and master the skills you're teaching in order to equip other people well or get a leader at that level that has the experience that you don't. Because you can teach what you know,but you will only reproduce who you are in this level you mentor people. You show them and teach them what you know you develop their skills, and their abilities to become highly effective at their craft.
NO.2他们的定位很好。他们把他们的员工安置在一个能够茁壮成长的地方。NO.3 他们为员工提供了良好的装备。他们了解员工的长处和短处,并给他们提供工具和知识,使其变得更为有效。作为这一级别的领导者,你需要学习和掌握你所教授的技能以便很好地装备其他人,或者在那个级别找一个有相关你所没有经验的领导者。因为你可以传授你所知道的东西,但你只能在这个层面上再现你是谁,在这个层面指导你的员工。你向他们展示并教授他们你所知道的东西,发展他们的技能和能力,使他们在自己的行业中变得非常高效。

But level four doesn't end here you have not completed the people development level, until those people that you have developed are able to develop others. This is where real exponential growth happens. Whether it's in your own business or you work with another company. When you are able to develop people, who can teach and develop others, you have created a powerful organization that grows exponentially.

As maxwell says you don't grow companies you grow people, here you're not only impacting the business and organization, but you're impacting people's lives. You are developing people to become more skilled and to become leaders themselves.

The last and highest level is level five, this is the respect level. This is where you've done many things for many people. For a long time here people follow you because of who you are and what you represent. This takes a lifetime to achieve. Most people at this level achieve this later in their career, because they have influenced massive levels of growth and they have built an environment and a culture that will be passed on from leader to leader,from mentor to men.

At this level they have created a legacy that will continue to grow. The five levels of leadership isn't much of a ladder that you have to climb as much as skills that you have to build upon each other. Great leaders know that they will have to constantly work to be a leader, because they know that they are not on the same level with everyone. A leader can, I say I am a level for a leader with everyone, because if a new person comes into your company, you are back to level one with them, and you will have to develop a relationship, and go through the levels of leadership all over again. Because people will respond differently to you according to the level of leadership you have with them, but the higher you go the easier becomes to lead.

As a level one leader you will get the minimum amount of energy from your people at level five, you will have much more time and commitment from others, because you've done just as much to develop them. They like you they respect you and they admire you for what you've done for them developing yourself as a leader is extremely important. Because people follow leaders who are stronger than they are, if you stay as a level two leader, you cannot attract level three leaders for your team, they will not follow you.

Becoming a leader is to focus on others and not ourselves. We won't be able to become a high level leader without helping others become great. Leaders themselves like the same ghost if you think you're leading, but no one is following you are just taking a walk, because a leader is one who knows the way goes the way, and shows the way.

五级领导力 ////

1. 区别于四级领导力,五级领导力是这些能力会助力所有的志向,所有的雄心,所有这些都会驱动绩效达成,不惜一切将公司变得更伟大,而不是他们自己,这就是为什么人们会承诺于他们的事业!
2. 领导力的第一级,是依赖职位赋予的权力去领导,人们追随你是因为他们不得不这样做。第一级别,是我们所有人的起点。我们得到一个头衔,我们得到一个职位,但一级领导并非最高级别,这是最低的。
3. 职位不能造就领导者,是领导者造就了职位。
4. 领导力的第二级,是通过建立和发展人际关系去领导。人们跟随你,不是因为没有选择;而是他们愿意,他们想要追随你。
5. 要影响他人,你就必须走到他们中间,和他们建立起链接。有一句话叫“领导者是孤独的,因为他站在山顶上”。
6. 三级领导者在二级领导力的基础上,可以产出绩效。这就是说,三级领导者是通过“绩效”,赢得团队的信任和声誉的。
7. 当领导者以培养和发展人作为工作的重点时,你就从做加法变成了做乘法,因为你在企业中复制自己的领导力,这就是倍增效应。
8. 三级领导力所面临的最大挑战,是企业和组织的可持续性发展。
9. 企业已经建立起高度信任和互赖的“安全圈”,圈内每个成员会主动地为了保护这个“安全圈”共同努力,一致对付外界的威胁。
10. 第五级领导力被称为“巅峰级”,因为这是卓越领导力的象征。在这个级别上,人们追随你,就因为“你是谁”,以及“你的名字所代表的意义”。
11. 第五级领导力,是一个自动生发的结果,当你持续地,长久坚持地,做好第二、三和四级领导力。在一定的时间后,你会成为第五级领导者,受人爱戴和尊重。
12. 我的领导力最大的挑战不是领导好别人,而是如何领导好自己!如果我能做的更好,如果我能成长,我的人就能成长!
13. 领导者观察他们的团队,因为想让他们被置于最佳位置,在这样的位置上,他们才会成功,才会发挥最大潜力,这样组织才会变得成功。
14. 当你迈向三级领导力,你就开始产出结果,你给组织带来了势能,在这种事能下,80%的问题都可以靠势能去解决,势能是最好的问题解决者,比什么都重要!

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- 图片来源:pexels,unsplash
- 内容编辑:泰普洛领导力Ivana张婷,实习生田园园对本文亦有贡献
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