

甚至于托马斯·弗里德曼,《世界是平的》作者,直接将新冠视为“公元前和公元后”那样的历史分期起点, 即B.C-Before Corona 和A.C. — After Corona。

面对新冠疫情,我们每个人的内心,会经历怎样的冲击、重构及修复的过程呢?近日,Genesis Healing Institute将新冠疫情下的心理疗愈之旅,细分为4个阶段31个要素。


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1. 我不确定哪些信息才可靠
I’m uncertain what information is reliable

2. 我害怕失业或失去亲人
I’m afraid of losing my job or loved ones

3. 我为自己缺乏领导力感到沮丧
I’m frustrated at the lack of leadership

4. 我为不得不取消的计划感到难过
I grieve the plans I’ve had to cancel

5. 我对未来没有把握
I'm unsure of the future



6. 我感到情绪饱满,并在需要时寻求支持
I fully feel emotions that arise & ask for support when needed

7. 我充分利用可获得的资源、可靠的信息和支持性人际关系
I gather available resources, credible information and supportive networks

8. 我立足于当下,培养自己的定力
I cultivate a practice to anchor in my body & in the present moment

9. 我不会因为做了满足自我需求的事情,而感到羞愧或作出评判
I release shame or judgement about what I do to address my needs

10. 我会做一些有意义且对他人有帮助的事
I engage in something meaningful & helpful to others



11. 我重拾曾放弃的个人梦想
I revive personal dreams that I renounced in the past

12. 我寻求消除深层情感创伤和消极冲动的办法
I seek to resolve deep-seeded emotional wounds & harmful impulses

13. 我用批判的态度洞察自己目前的处境
I look at my present circumstances with a critical & curious eye

14. 我发现自己以前不受欢迎和消极的特质
I uncover aspects of my former reality that were undesirable & harmful

15. 我接纳自己性格中不够灵活与倔强的一面
I offer tenderness to the parts of myself that remain inflexible & resistant

16. 我找寻一位良师益友帮助自己开拓新的道路
I seek a mentor or teacher to help me to cultivate a new path

17. 我放空自己,不再思考那些于我无益的人际关系和内心活动
I lay to rest patterns, relationships and inner stories which no longer serve my greatest good

18. 我重新亲近大自然
I reconnect with the Earth



19. 我不再计较自己和他人曾犯下的过错
I forgive myself and others for harm inflicted

20. 我渴望减轻世间万物所遭受的苦难
I am driven to alleviate the collective suffering of all humans, creatures and the planet

21. 我真诚地相信自己的公众政治参与会产生影响
I sincerely believe my civic and political participation makes an impact

22. 我打破名望、金钱和权力的桎梏
I am no longer driven by ego or the pursuit of prestige, money or power

23. 我将所有多余之物慷慨地赠予那些可能需要的人
I freely give all that I possess in excess or surplus to those who may needed

24. 我将日常进行自我精神修炼
I tend to my spiritual self as a normal and daily practice

25. 我勇敢地活着,无所畏惧
I live in the world courageously & unmoved by temptation of fear

26. 我与周围的人建立可贵的亲密关系
I create deeply intimate & vulnerable connections with everyone around me

27. 我会保护社会弱势群体,同时帮助那些曾遭受伤害的人们
I defend the most vulnerable & oppressed people in society while also offering reparations to those historically harmed

28. 我尝试无条件地热爱这个世界,不带任何偏见,也不求任何回报
I practice loving without conditions, expectations or judgement

29. 我将充分发挥自己的无限潜力去创造
I anchor in my infinite potential as a creative being

30. 我将全力支持心系民众的机构和政治领导者
I solely promote institutional & political leaders who are whole-heartedly dedicated to ending the suffering of all people

31. 我会尽我所能帮助人类和地球恢复生机
I cultivate my gifts & offer them openly toward the healing of people & the planet

最后,我们以哈佛大学校长Lawrence Bacow在通知学生撤离校园的邮件作结:




| 版权说明 |
- 文章素材来源:英文素材来自Genesis Healing Institute,泰普洛领导力独家编译
- 文章编辑:泰普洛领导力 Ivana张婷

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北京:康燕Karen    13701128510
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