I do think a good framework for thinking is physics the sort of first principles reasoning.what I mean by that is boil things down to their fundamental truths and reason up from there. As opposed to reasoning biology,through most of our life we get through life by reasoning biology. Which essentially means kind of coughing,what other people do with slight variations,and you have to do that.
Otherwise it's mentally you wouldn't be able to get through the day. But when you want to do something new you have to apply the physics approach.
Give me an example of that like what's one thing that you've done that on that feels work for you sure so. Somebody could say, in fact people do that battery packs are really expensive and that's just the way they'll always be. Because that's the way they've been in the past. No that's that's pretty dumb and you say no okay? What are the batteries made of? So the first principal should be to say okay what are the material constituents to the batteries?
what is the spot market value of the material constituents? So you can say okay it's got cobalt nickel aluminum carbon. And some polymers for separation and a seal can so break that down on a material basis and say okay. If we bought that in London metal exchange what would each of those things cost like oh gee. It's like $80 a per kilowatt hour.
so clearly you just need to think of clever ways to take those materials and combine them into the shape of a battery cell. And you can have batteries that are much much cheaper than anyone realizes.
Rockets were super extensive and the cost per pound of kilogram to orbit had actually gone up over the years not down. So at my 2nd or 3rd trip back from Russia I was like who there's got to be a way to build rockets. There's got to be a way to build rockets. There's got to be a way to solve the rocket problem.
I start reading a lot of hooks and rockets and sort of a first principle's analysis of a rocket just broke down. The materials that are in a rocket what would it cost to buy those materials? What versus the price of the rocket? And there's a gigantic difference between.
The roboteural costs, the rocket and the finish cost the rocket. So there must be something wrong happening in going from the instrument atoms to the final shape. And I found that suddenly to be true and then just in general critical thinking is good. You know examining whether you have the correct axioms or the most applicable axioms does the logic necessarily connect.
And then what are the range of probable outcomes? Outcomes are usually not deterministic. They're arrange and so you want to figure out what those probabilities are and make sure ideally that you were the house. You know it's fine to take. It's fine to gamble as long as you're the house.