



—— 摘自吉姆·柯林斯2019年

▲更多内容,请戳 详解「五级领导力」:五个层级、关键词和发展路径▲


Leadership is this thing, that so many people talk about that is obviously so inextricably linked with success right, I mean to the degree that you can lead is really to the degree, that you can succeed. And yet it's still some one of a mysterious concept, I think to a lot of people, and so I've recently been reading one of the most classic management texts ever called from good to great.

I read jim collins and it's truly a remarkable historical. You know unbelievably simple management text that I think every human being in the world should probably read and there's one concept in there called level five leadership that I think sums up what truly makes a great leader better than anything I've ever heard. And it's something that has deeply inspired me to up level my own leadership to continue to strive and be ambitious for , what that next level of leadership might look like.

And so they've broken leadership down into five levels, and the highest level is level five. And what they found was at the helm of every company that they studied that went from good to great, which means for a period of about 15 years, the company sputtered along and then all of a sudden, it radically transformed and went on an epic run with sustained results for the next 15 years, that outperformed the market by at least three x in many cases 15 x 10 x 20 x.

And what they found was that at the helm of every single one of these companies, that went on these incredible truly almost unicorn style growth periods was a level five leader. So what does it mean to be a level five leader well to be a level five leader is a paradoxical sense of humility of personal humility, what they discovered was that these people were incredibly humble.

They did not appropriate success to themselves, they didn't think it was caused by them,they actually every time success was talked about appropriated that to their team or to external factors,yet they took incredible accountability incredible responsibility for any failure or any challenge or difficulty that they took accountability for.
So there was this incredible personal humility coupled with this profound professional will just this unbelievable will to get things done,no matter how difficult the task at hand was an incredible sense of guts,and daringness,and will to overcome any odds,and get whatever done, no matter how difficult it was,and what they discovered was that that combination,is what makes a level five leader.

Because you have a lot of people, who have that will but they have the ego, and come to find out in all these studies and all these trends the people, who had the ego and wanted to appropriate success to themselves, even if they had the will didn't build great sustained companies they might have these big runs after that leader left the companies oftentimes went downward, and so this combination of professional will with personal humility is what truly makes a great leader.

And when they were studying the articles, and studying the texts about these leaders, they never used the words, I and me and all these things that was always we and team and them.

So I think all of us can look at ourselves and ask am I being a level five leader, have I cultivated the sense of deep humility to get the job done? No matter how difficult it is or what it takes and to the degree that you can cultivate those things, and I can cultivate those things, and we can all cultivate those things is to degree that the data shows we can build great enduring lasting success.


获得五级领导力的 ////

1. 领导力是一个动词,而不是名词。名词意味着职位、权力、头衔、等级;动词则意味着采取行动,发挥影响力,把人们从一个地方带到另一个地方。

2. 真正的领导者永远不说这样的话,他们会从山顶上走下来,走到人们中间去,和他们建立链接。只有你知道你的人在哪里,才能将他们带到要去的地方。

3. 圣人後其身而身先,外其身而身存。非以其无私邪!故能成其私。

4. 领导者如何与他的人们保持链接并建立关系呢?不是通过告诉别人你在哪里,而是通过了解他们在哪里,从而来建立链接的。

5. 要成为一个卓越的领导者,首先要学会倾听,听比说更重要,更优先。

6. 当领导者放下自我,放下预判,带着好奇心去了解,带着共同探究的动机,去启发他人,你才有可能提出“有价值”和“有力量”的问题。

7. 优秀的领导者和他们的人,有效的链接方式,是问好的问题,然后可以有效地倾听,再然后就是观察。

8. 领导者观察他们的团队,因为想让他们被置于最佳位置,在这样的位置上,他们才会成功,才会发挥最大潜力,这样组织才会变得成功。

9. “榜样”是领导力的核心,人们需要“视觉领袖“,而不是“意见领袖”!

10. 企业已经建立起高度信任和互赖的“安全圈”,圈内每个成员会主动地为了保护这个“安全圈”共同努力,一致对付外界的威胁。

11. 人们对你景仰,因为是你,你的超凡个人魅力和声誉,让人们追随你。


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